Sunday, March 29, 2009

Feeling like complete shit.

This blog will more than likely contain tons of cuss words. If you're not ready for it, move on.

Men are so stupid. I'm sorry, but they are, ok... Most are. They want to act all perfect around you, then go behind your back and fuck you over completely. They want their "cake" and "eat" it too. Then, when they get busted, they want to get all pissed off, and get all abusive. I don't give a flying shit if you were in the fucking marines or not. You do NOT put your hands on me b/c YOU did something stupid and got caught. THEN your stupid ass is going to break into MY house? And steal MY shit? That's fucked up. You steal what's pretty much the MOST important materialistic possession to me; my camera and think nothing of it. I don't give a shit about my carpet cleaner, or the change buckets, or the comforter, or the dollar coins I was saving for the kids. I want my fucking camera back. And now I have nothing to record the days with my kids. You fucking piece of shit. Karma is going to bite you in the mother fucking ass b/c of the shit you have pulled in the past 3 days. Trust me, I will make sure of that.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yay! & Boo!

First off, I have to brag.. I've had my house up for sale for about 2 months. I got a message from my real estate agent yesteray around noon saying that the last agent to show my house will be making an offer. I am super excited about it! I'm sad b/c I worked hard to get it, but this is what needs to be done. It's better than me just losing it and it going on my credit. Once it closes, which I'm hoping to stay in the house til the end of May, we will be moving to Olive Branch/Southaven. Andy will start a new school, and Jaydon will have a new babysitter/day care. It will be a new start for all of us.
Jaydon's surgery is one week from tomorrow. I'm really nervous about it, but I know everything will be fine. The surgery itself won't take long at all, maybe about an hour. We should be out of the hospital by noon, I'm thinking. Andy is on Spring Break that week, which will make everything so much easier. I won't have to get Jaydon out of bed to take Andy to school or anything. We can all just be lazy around the house and do nothing.

Ok, this part is just venting. I'm not talking about anyone in particular, just yapping. And of course, it's about men. When guys are in a relationship, why can't they just do right? I don't understand. They are all nice and everything in your face, then turn around and text/message someone on myspace flirting. I'm sorry, but guys... If you don't know, it's still cheating. If you want to flirt, do it with your girlfriend. Regardless if you flirt online, in text, or in email, it's still not right. What if the other person starts taking it too far? What will you do then? Think about it. You stupid boys need to start thinking.. Would you like it if your girlfriend did the same thing?
Yea, that's what I think I'm going to start doing. I think I will send someone a message on myspace, and say "ya know? hot guys with tons of tattoos are hot" and see where that could lead! And the sad part is, you boys think you will get away with it. That's the funny part about it. It's called a woman's intuition. And it's usually right. Just FYI, something to think about, especially if you use your gf's computer.. She just MIGHT have a program on her computer that can tell her EVERYTHING you're doing on it, including conversations and whatnot... I don't know.... Just something to think about though.
I think, no matter how well you treat someone, they will do whatever they want anyhow. Sometimes, I may not be the best gf, friend, ect., but I am loyal. As long as you do me right, I will do you right. If I see you doing stuff behind my back, I may just start doing the same thing. I can be the best thing that happened to you, but if you double cross me, you're gone.. And you will realize what you left behind.
From now on, my mouth will stay shut. But, I'm just saying right now.. I'm getting to the point, where I don't care anymore. I have to do what's right for me & my kids. If I don't see that you are good for us, then so be it.