Sunday, January 17, 2010

So disappointed

This weekend, I had no kids at all. Terry decided to take both of them, which was so nice of him. And let me explain before I let this all out. I love my kids, I really do. But when I don't have them, I would like to do something different, since I don't have to worry about them or anything.
So, Friday night, I tried to find something to do. I finished my school paper though, which is great. I ended up going to Kroger to get some stuff, then get some Taco Bell. My sister was nice enough to come over and hang out with me. Yea, I enjoyed it, but I wanted to leave the house. Later that night, a friend came over. Do you know how bad it sucks to want someone you cant have? Well, let me tell you.. It sucks badly. Anyhow, mom got home from work and we ended up watching a movie and not doing shit.
Saturday day was fun. Mom and I went and did a bunch of things. I love hanging out with her. She ended up having to go to work, and I was left with trying to find something to do again. There was only one thing I really wanted to do, and that was go on a ghost hunt with my dad. You think it happened? No. He wouldn't even answer my texts, so whatever. I ended up going up to Rafferty's and hang out with mom while she worked. I get home around 10, start watching a movie and end up passing out around 11:45. Exciting? Not so much.
I'm so sick of being here. I'm going to start working on applying for jobs outside of Memphis. If I get a job offer, I'm leaving everyone & everything.

Friday, January 8, 2010

changing myself for the better

Wow... It has been a while since I posted last. Not much has changed. I lost my job the week of Thanksgiving. Apparently the company thought I did something, which I didn't and let me go. Whatever, good luck to them. Thanksgiving and Christmas was ok. It was a bummer n ot having a job. I quit smoking right before Christmas, so yay on that part. I start school Monday. I have orientation tomorrow morning. I'm scared shitless, but I have plenty of support.
Relationship-wise, nothing good has happened. I've met people, and stopped talking to people. People say I don't have time for a relationship, and that's the last thing I should be worried about, but I disagree. I believe it's a very important thing to have. Although I have all this stuff going on, I miss having someone around, even if it is just hanging out. Even if we're just friends, and not worrying about anything else. It's still nice to have around. I know it will happen eventually, but whatever. I'm sick of waiting.
Andy met his dad a few months ago. It has been 6 years since they've seen each other. Andy was excited after we left, but it seemed that he was only excited b/c he had a younger brother to play with. He really didn't say anything about his dad. I've only heard from his dad once since then asking about what Andy said. That's just something I'm not going to bother with. Andy i s obviously just not interested enough in the situation.
Anyways, I don't have anything else to write about; I just wanted to get all that off my chest.