Monday, May 18, 2009

What's the deal?

Is it really that hard to treat people right? I don't understand some people. In my eyes, if you like someone, you do what you can to make them happy, including being honest.
I think I deserve a little bit more than being lied to. Don't lie to me about being single, when you're not. Don't attempt to get me to be some "booty call", b/c it's not happening. I deserve alot more than that. I'm not a bad person, so I refuse to let myself get into another bad situation. What exactly do I deserve? I deserve to be happy. If it's in a relationship, that's even better. Why can't I have guy friends that just want to be friends for now? What's so wrong about that?
I have all these guy "friends" and only a very few people have asked if I needed their help this weekend with the move. So, obviously the others only want to come around when it's convenient for them. Who cares what I want, right? Wrong! I'm putting an end to it all right now. I'm sick of it.
The end

Ok, I'm editing this, b/c now that I read it, it seems like I'm doing nothing but whining and complaining, which I'm not. I'm just stating how I feel. Now that I've calmed down a little, let me redo this...
Ever since Terry and I broke up, I have liked & dated guys. Have I been in a real relationship? No. I haven't found one guy that's really worth a shit dating. All guys seem nice at first. And really, there are a few that are still very nice. They may have made some bad decisions (like maybe getting back with an ex or something) but they are still nice. I do wish everyone all the happiness they can get, but I just wish it was my turn. I'm happy right now, but there's nothing like being in a REALLY good relationship, with no bullshit, no lies, nothing bad. Not all guys are bad. There are just those stupid "seeds" that leave that mark.

Oh and btw... If no one believes in karma, trust me on this one, it exists. I have been bit in the ass by karma for about 5 months now. If it's not one thing, it's another. I swear. From now on, I'm changing how I act towards people. I have to learn how to keep my mouth shut at times, and walk away. And that's what I'm going to do.

Ok bye again!

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