Friday, February 27, 2009

Might want to know?

Wednesday, I took Jaydon to the urologist. On March 18, he will have surgery. He has Hydrocele, which is fluid around his testicle. Apparently, some boys are born with it. When they are in the womb, their testicles are in their abdomen, and around 22 weeks, they drop (obviously). Well, sometimes the fluid stays around the testicle, and is absorbed by the body by their 1st birthday. In Jaydon's case, his body didn't absorb the fluids for whatever reason may be, I'm not sure. So they have to drain it. If they don't, it could turn into a hernia or that testicle won't work. Anyhow, it's a minor surgery and won't take long. The surgery itself will take about an hour, then 30 minutes for him to wake up. Shortly after, he can go home. He will be back to his normal self within 2 days, but will have to be watched for 2 weeks.
Although Terry hasn't seen Jaydon in almost 3 months, I figured that Terry had a right to know, since he is Jaydon's dad. So I called and spoke to him yesterday morning. I explained to him what was going on and when the surgery was. He then asked me if he could come get Jaydon this weekend. What?! I told him he could come visit, but he couldn't leave with him. He then got so mad, and didn't understand. I had to explain that Jaydon had to be reintroduced to him b/c he hasn't even talked to him. He's almost 2, 3 months is like forever with a baby! I let Terry know he could come see Jaydon whenever he wanted, but he hasn't even tried. Terry said he doesn't want to come over and a "dude" is there. Well I'm sorry, but if I have a friend over, he can get over it. I doubt Terry will even show up anyhow! Then he proceeded to tell me that we need to get lawyers b/c he wants to see his son. LOL Hey, I'm all up for that. I've been waiting on Juvenile Court to set a date since we broke up! I've called every week to check on that. So yeah, he thinks that I'm trying to keep Jaydon away from him and all that.. Blah blah blah, whatever! He told me he would call that night to talk to Jaydon, but did he? No, not even a text. But hey, I can't expect anything less from him.
Anyhow, it's a good thing that I've kept records on when he has called, talked to Jaydon, seen Jaydon, ect. It's whatever..
Needless to say, it is such a disappointment to find out how he really is. When we were together, his world revolved around Jaydon and his daughter. His true colors are now shining through. The thing he doesn't realize, is the only person this will really effect, is Jaydon. But Jaydon will be fine. He will pull through perfectly.

Monday, February 23, 2009


So this weekend has been pretty stressful. I sometimes feel the saying "when it rains it pours" is true. Especially now.
Saturday, I took Jaydon to the dr because one of his testicles were bigger than the other (bigger than normal). The dr said that he had hydrocele, which I didn't really understand what it was. I went home and googled it and understood better. So, it's basically fluid around the testicle. Maybe every 10 baby boys have it when they're born, but it fixes itself within the first year. Well, Jaydon hasn't had this since he was born (that we know of). We just noticed it a few weeks ago. Anyhow, surgery is a possibility. I set up an appt on Wednesday with the urologist. We will see what the options are then. But from what I've seen online, they do surgery on toddlers to make sure it doesn't return.

Sunday, I found out that my grandmother isn't able to walk anymore. She's been up and down the past few months and has done great. I know that she's getting older and everyone's time will come, but I'm just not ready for hers. I really should start going to see her more often. For some reason, I think I'm more upset for my mom. When my grandmother passes, I really do believe that my mom's side of the family will split and do their own things. There won't be as many get-togethers as there is now. My grandmother keeps everyone together and close. Once she's gone, who's left to do that?

This morning, around 4am, I woke up to horrible pains in my neck. It started from between my shoulder blades and went up my neck. I would try to go back to sleep, but the sharp pains would shoot up my neck over and over again. I finally decided to go ahead and get up. I figured a hot shower would help. Getting out of bed was pretty hard. It took me 15-20 minutes because it hurt so bad. Once I got in the shower, it didn't help at all. I couldn't put my arms above my head, and I couldn't even lean my head back to wash my hair. I had to actually take the pain, and hold my head back so that I wouldn't use my neck muscles. It took me forever to actually dry my hair because I couldn't put it up in the towel and I couldn't even towel dry it. It was a pain just brushing it. I took some medicine around 5:30 and told myself that if it didn't help, I would go to the minor med. It did start working, but I'm still hurting right now. I'll live, but how long could this possibly go on?

Anyhow, today is Robert's birthday.. soooo.....

Happy Birthday!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Juvenile Court

Ok, I don't know what the deal is with this place, but they are ridiculous! Terry and I had a child support prehearing on 12/12, which he didn't show up for. Atleast every week, I have called to see if a court date has been scheduled. Of course, every time, the answer is always no.. They are the ones that pursued this, they wanted to make us go. And now that I'm going, and it has actually gotten the process started, they want to take their stupid time. I'm so sick of it, but what else can I do? I have to deal with hounding Terry EVERY weekend for a check for the babysitter. I have texted him every day this week about a check, and he has yet to answer. Can we say worthless?! I could care less if you have a new family or not, you need to take care of the son you already have instead of taking care of one that's NOT yours! Anywho.. Here I am, sitting on hold (have been on hold for 15 min) with Juvenile Court to see if a date is set. I'm definitely going to ask if they note whenever I call. I want that known that I have called every week! So anyways, here's to you Juvenile court.. you stupid p.o.s!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New relationship... New life

Wow... I really don't know where to start.. I've started dating this guy, Robert. I've been dating him for almost 3 weeks now. Where do start with him? He's really great. He has a blast with the kids, and the kids have a blast with him. He is super sweet to me, which I'm not used to at all. I know it's still the "impress me" stage of the relationship, but no one else was like this. I'm actually happy right now. It's very different having someone around that actually wants to go do things with the kids, wants to go outside and play with them, or lets them play in the leaves. Anything that gets the kids involved, Robert does. Its the small things that count. It just makes me happy to see them having a good time with someone. Spending time with Robert just blows me out of the water sometimes. We could be doing nothing but watching TV and I'm happy. Why? B/c I'm used to everyone usually being in seperate rooms. The kids have really warmed up to him nicely. Let's just hope nothing happens!
For the past 2.5 years, I've been just "dealing" with Terry b/c we had Jaydon. I'm not used to anything Robert does, b/c mainly, Terry never did it. Terry never showed any kind of affection towards me, never complimented me, nothing.
Anyhow, the other day, Robert and Andy were playing in the living room. Robert came in where I was and this is how he looked.. He took a bunch of Andy's stuff and put it on. How goofy is he? This is what I put up with... No complaints here!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Office Drama

Ok, I seriously hate working in an office sometimes, especially a small one. Rumors get started so easily, and somehow I get dragged into it. I really don't care about someone cheating on their boyfriend. I mean, it's wrong, but it's not my business. Here's what happened...
This morning, I got a print out of an email on my desk. No names were mentioned in it, so whatever. Comes to find out, some guy at work was going around telling people in the office that this girl is cheating on her boyfriend. Why it's any of his business? Who cares. Anyhow.. I get dragged into it. How? Only b/c I used to go to lunch with this guy. Just b/c I go to lunch with someone, doesn't mean I'm part of gossip central! I swear.. I got confronted about the crap just a little while ago, and I'm STILL irritated about it.
I refuse to get fired or get into any trouble about this mess. It has nothing to do with me. I don't care about anyone's personal life but MINE.
If I have to stop talking to everyone all together, I'm going to, unless needed. I don't need this crap. I'm going to put a note on the back of my chair that says "this is a drama free work zone. Move along"!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Why wonder?

I sit here, and read my dad's blog, and wonder why men are the way they are. But at the same time, there's no need to wonder. Here's why
Andy's dad.. He hasn't been around in over 5 years. He has 4 other kids and doesn't really care about his oldest child. I tried to be reasonable with him, but it didn't work. Andy asked about him last year. He actually thought his dad was dad. He remembered nothing about him, or his half-brother or sisters. His dad doesn't even call to see how Andy is. And the bad part is, is that his dad lives in Memphis, actually IN Bartlett!
Jaydon's dad.. Wow.. What can I say about him? We were together for 2.5 years. He acted like Jaydon was his world. Nothing could seperate them! When I decided to leave Terry, it all turned around. I left him on December 5. The whole time, he was thinking I would keep Jaydon away from him. He had talked about it and he had started feeling better. I took Jaydon to where he was staying the Friday after Christmas. They played for a bit, and that was it. He called a few times, but that was it. I called his dad to see if he wanted Jaydon to come over on New Years, "OF COURSE!". Of course, the day came, and Jaydon was a little bit sick, but Terry didn't care. As I left, Jaydon cried, and that's all I could hear until I got to the van. I felt bad for the kid, but I "knew" that's what Terry wanted, and Jaydon needed, so I kept going. Needless to say, when I came to pick Jaydon up, Terry said he stood at the door the whole time waiting for me to come back. And, that was the last time Jaydon saw his daddy. I haven't even heard a "how is he?" or "what can he do now?" anymore.
Can you imagine your son walking around "talking" on the phone to his daddy when no one is on the other line? Everytime someone calls, he says "dada". It's pretty sad. Not only does Andy not have a father, but now, I have 2 children that are in the same situation.
Here's my input on this. I don't know why Andy's dad did the way he did and I really don't care.
But I really feel that Terry puts on a show. He makes it look like his world revolves around Jaydon... but that's only if he has help. When we were together, I had to deal with the fit-throwing, and screaming and yelling. Yes, it drove me nuts all the time (still does), but I had to do it. It's part of my job, correct? Well, it should also be part of the father's job too, but I never said anything. Once we broke up, he then realized, that he would have to do it all by himself. There was no one to deal with it for him.
There are good outcomes with will come out of this. MY children will learn how they should NEVER act. They will know how NOT to treat other females, nor their own children. When you have responsibilities like that, you don't just run away. You have to deal with it.
I will definitely raise my kids to be the total opposite of their sperm donors, b/c let's face it. That's all those "men" are.