Friday, February 27, 2009

Might want to know?

Wednesday, I took Jaydon to the urologist. On March 18, he will have surgery. He has Hydrocele, which is fluid around his testicle. Apparently, some boys are born with it. When they are in the womb, their testicles are in their abdomen, and around 22 weeks, they drop (obviously). Well, sometimes the fluid stays around the testicle, and is absorbed by the body by their 1st birthday. In Jaydon's case, his body didn't absorb the fluids for whatever reason may be, I'm not sure. So they have to drain it. If they don't, it could turn into a hernia or that testicle won't work. Anyhow, it's a minor surgery and won't take long. The surgery itself will take about an hour, then 30 minutes for him to wake up. Shortly after, he can go home. He will be back to his normal self within 2 days, but will have to be watched for 2 weeks.
Although Terry hasn't seen Jaydon in almost 3 months, I figured that Terry had a right to know, since he is Jaydon's dad. So I called and spoke to him yesterday morning. I explained to him what was going on and when the surgery was. He then asked me if he could come get Jaydon this weekend. What?! I told him he could come visit, but he couldn't leave with him. He then got so mad, and didn't understand. I had to explain that Jaydon had to be reintroduced to him b/c he hasn't even talked to him. He's almost 2, 3 months is like forever with a baby! I let Terry know he could come see Jaydon whenever he wanted, but he hasn't even tried. Terry said he doesn't want to come over and a "dude" is there. Well I'm sorry, but if I have a friend over, he can get over it. I doubt Terry will even show up anyhow! Then he proceeded to tell me that we need to get lawyers b/c he wants to see his son. LOL Hey, I'm all up for that. I've been waiting on Juvenile Court to set a date since we broke up! I've called every week to check on that. So yeah, he thinks that I'm trying to keep Jaydon away from him and all that.. Blah blah blah, whatever! He told me he would call that night to talk to Jaydon, but did he? No, not even a text. But hey, I can't expect anything less from him.
Anyhow, it's a good thing that I've kept records on when he has called, talked to Jaydon, seen Jaydon, ect. It's whatever..
Needless to say, it is such a disappointment to find out how he really is. When we were together, his world revolved around Jaydon and his daughter. His true colors are now shining through. The thing he doesn't realize, is the only person this will really effect, is Jaydon. But Jaydon will be fine. He will pull through perfectly.

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